Sunday, January 30, 2011

East Coast Sandplay Therapy Association Annual Conference: The Healing Power of the Imagination

April 16th 2011, from 9:30 – 4:30 @ 59 Green St. Kingston, NY

Keynote speaker – Jungian analyst Rob Green


Keynote: Rob Greene - @ 9:30
"The Wisdom of the Serpent in Story, Sand, and Healing -- A Preliminary Exploration... by Lois Carey and Ilka List 10:30-12:30.
Hygeia was one of the many daughters of Aesclepius, all of whom were involved in the healing arts. The Bowl of Hygeia has a snake coiled around it. There is much to explore in the profound theme of the serpent, and its connection to health. In this workshop we will explore associated meanings and personal responses to the symbol.
There will be two writing and two sandplay components. Ilka will guide the first hour and Lois the second. Lois' section will focus on the serpent as applied to Medusa, (negative side of the archetype), and Perseus' role in her slaying. The story of Medusa will be told, followed by work in the sand and ending with a brief story or poem related to the scene.
Ilka List is a Licensed Creative Arts Therapist in NY. She is editor, contibutor and illustrator of the East Coast Sandplay Association Journal. Ilka has worked with children and adults in diverse therapeutic modalities for over twenty years. Recently, on Martha's Vineyard, she has begun to work with children with special needs. She is clinical director for the foster child project “A Home Within”.
Lois Carey, LCSW is the founder of the East Coast Sandplay Association and has been active in the NY State Play Therapy Association where she has been committed to keeping sandplay alive in the broader play therapy world. She has taught sandplay in many parts of the world and continues to do so. She has a special interest in Greek myth as it applies to everyday problems.


“Getting the (Dark) inside Out: An Expressive Exploration of Shady Stuff”- led by Michelle Rhodes LCSW ATR-BC 1:30 – 2:45.

After a brief consideration of unmentionables, rejects, and horror, participants will find out what shapes it (the Dark) can take. Clay and other art materials will be provided.
Michelle Rhodes is a clay artist, art therapist, and practitioner of sandplay with all ages. Her expressive therapy studio is in Gardiner, NY, where she has practiced in one way or another since 1975. She also has a small practice in NYC and is currently completing psychoanalytic training at the Institute for Expressive Analysis.

“Guided Imagery: Unlocking Psyche's Drive towards Wholeness” - led by Therese Bimka LCSW. 3-4:30.

Drawing from client case examples with children and adults, Therese Bimka will share her love and deep appreciation for Jung's active imagination concept as a "direct access tool" to Psyche. Learn how to coax authentic imagery into expression and utilize the profound wisdom that emerges for healing. Participants will go home with a few sample guided imagery "scripts". An experiential sandplay component will be included.

Therese Bimka LCSW is an Interfaith Minister and an artist. Therese has been using guided imagery for her own healing and as a practitioner for more than 20 years. She maintains a private practice in NYC, Accord, and Kingston where she combines Jungian Sandplay, expressive arts, visualization, and mindfulness in her psychotherapy practice

There will also be a book booth featuring books of related interest by The Inquiring Mind Bookstore from 9- 1.

Cost= $90. for ECSA members $130. for non-members and includes lunch.

Please register early as space is very limited.
845-331-1029 or at

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