Saturday, January 5, 2013

Announcing Spring 2013 Course in MBCT for Prevention of Depression Relapse

Announcing Spring 2013 Course in MBCT for Prevention of Depression Relapse

We are pleased to announce the availability of an innovative, empirically-supported course for people who suffer recurring episodes of depression: Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT).  This course is the first of several mindfulness courses to be offered in Woodstock, NY, beginning this spring.  MBCT is an eight-session program clinically shown to bolster recovery from depression and to be effective in preventing relapse.  The course will take place on Sunday mornings in March and April, 2013.

In his introduction to the MBCT manual, Jon Kabat-Zinn describes this adaptation of his Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program: “Developed by leading scientist-practitioners, and solidly grounded in current psychological research, the approach integrates cognitive therapy principles and practice into a mindfulness framework.” For over ten years now, study after study concludes that MBCT can shift a person’s relationship to the thoughts, feelings, and body sensations that lead to a downward spiral into depression—especially for people who have previously experienced this painful and frustrating condition.  MBCT participants learn an evidence-based combination of mindfulness practices and cognitive therapy techniques which result in the ability to observe patterns of mind and stay in touch with the present moment rather than descend into habitual rumination -- a hallmark of depression.

In the recent second edition of the training manual, Kabat-Zinn describes the MBCT course in a way that echoes our own attitude as instructors:  “…participants are treated more as guests than patients, with warm hospitality and respect for the courage they show, even by turning up.”

To learn more about us and about the interview process in which we carefully consider the suitability of MBCT for each potential participant, please visit our website <>. You will also find further explanation of the MBCT program and links to the extensive body of research on mindfulness-based therapies, as well as details about future courses and enrollment information. We look forward to sharing MBCT with you.

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