Thursday, April 19, 2012

Graduate Association for Counseling and Student Affairs (GACSA)

Graduate Association for Counseling and Student Affairs (GACSA)  at the College of Saint Rose is a student directed club that connects students across four concentrations (i.e.,Clinical Mental Health Counseling, College Student Services Administration,College Counseling, and School Counseling). The association is here to build a sense of community and connect with peers across the various programs. Through workshops, professional development, social and volunteer events, we as future counselors want to give back to the community and network with those in our fields. Coming this Fall will be a list of events to give us that jump off andinclude things like alumni as guest speakers, participation in various walksand community events hosted in Albany and networking with peers throughprogramming on interests to our members. All communication of events andinformation will be posted in the facebook page as well as sent out through thegroup email ( Also, ourfirst group order of T-shirts have gone out and we have 11 extra for sale, ifanyone is interested please contact Dr. Travis Schermer ( )fordetails. We as a board and association are very excited for what the Fall willbring and hope to see you there!

NYSSCA News, Spring 2012: Bullying: at School, at Home, Online

Following is a link to our Spring E-Zine. We publish this newsletter quarterly and thank Beth Peters, NYSSCA Board Member who wears numerous hats, for taking the leadership on this project and putting the newsletter together through the auspices of our parent organization, ASCA. Click on the following link for the Spring Newsletter.
NYSSCA News, Spring 2012, is now available:

In this issue:

When Bullies Grow Up
Enhancing Guidance Lessons with Interactive Whiteboards
Bullies Without Borders
The Buzz on Bullying
Homophobic Language in Schools Hurts Everyone
Celebrating Colleague
Bullying Resources and Publications

Reader navigation instructions are opposite the cover page. Remember that links and ads are clickable to learn more, access resources, and respond.
Karen Hall
NYSSCA President