Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Counseling Students: Scholarships Available

Annual NBCC Foundation Scholarships

The NBCC Foundation is currently offering a wonderful opportunity for counseling students ~ this is the second year of their annual scholarships. Five rural scholarships and five military scholarships are available in the amount of $3,000 each.

  • The military scholarship is for service members and veterans who are currently enrolled in counseling programs and who commit to serve military personnel upon graduation.
  • The rural scholarship is for students who are currently enrolled in counseling programs and who commit to serving rural or underserved areas upon graduation.

The application deadline is November 1st, 2010.

For more information, please visit www.nbccf.org or email foundation@nbcc.org.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Volunteer at the Upcoming NYSSCA Conference


New York State School Counseling Association is putting on its annual conference November 5-6, 2010
at the Doubletree Tarrytown, in Tarrytown, New York. I am looking for graduate student volunteers to help at the conference. Volunteers are needed to help at the registration desk, the nyssca store , introduction of conference presenters and collection of workshop evaluation forms. Volunteering is a great way to network with fellow graduate students and people in the counseling profession. If you are interested please email me at jcawley@nscsd.org. If you have any questions you can email me at the same address.

1. You must be able to volunteer both Friday and Saturday of the conference.
2. You must be a graduate student at the time of the conference
3. There is a registration fee of $150.00 This is a reduced rate for volunteers. (You will be able
to attend workshops as part of your volunteering)

ACPA Convention: October is Careers in Student Affairs Month

CSSA Students: Are you an ACPA member or have you renewed your membership recently?
Would you like to learn how you can receive a reduced convention registration fee of only $99?

Through October 31, 2010, ACPA is funding professional development grants to cover egistration, one night’s hotel, and travel assistance for graduate students; they will also offer some registration-only grants.

All graduate students who become a member or renew their membership between August 1 and October 31, 2010 will be eligible for the drawing for the grants. Winners will receive either a complete convention package (registration, hotel, travel) or convention registration only. All grant winners will be invited to a reception with the Governing Board in the president’s suite at the ACPA Baltimore 2011 Convention.

You must register for the convention between October 6 and November 15, 2010. Join ACPA today.

Serving the Needs of Veterans and their Families

“Healing from a Holistic Perspective”

Sage is sponsoring a daylong Mental Health Conference on serving the needs of veterans and their families on November 12, 2010, as part of their week-long series of events and activities on November 8-12 2010. Mental Health Professionals are invited to learn

from interdisciplinary speakers on a variety of topics including therapeutic, spiritual, & practical approaches for treating complex issues confronting veterans as they reintegrate into an ever changing societal landscape”.
Also Included this week:

Monday, Nov. 8 : Women and War from 7:00 to 9:00 PM

Tuesday, Nov. 9 : Multimedia Day from 12:30 to 2:00 PM

Wednesday, Nov. 10 : Community Day from 1:00 to 7:00 PM

Thursday, Nov. 11 : Veterans Day from 11:00 to 4:00 PM, 7:00 to 9:00 PM

Friday, Nov. 12 : Mental Health Clinical Conference from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

To learn more details about this week’s events and registration form please visit http://www.sage.edu/veterans/week/

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Guidance Expo

October 18, 2010
Westchester County Center
White Plains, NY

The Guidance Expo is literally an exposition of guidance and counseling ideas and activities. It features a rich menu of over 40 professional seminars regarding issues and concerns that affect the elementary, middle, high school and college admission counselors. In addition, it brings together a large variety of exhibitors, consultants, model programs, exhibits of computer software, guidance books, materials and products, community agencies and college representatives. It is sponsored by the Westchester Putnam College Conferences, Inc. in affiliation with the New York State School Counselor Association (NYSSCA). It is offered free. Pre-registration is required. For our complete program, directions, and registration information, please click on the:

For further information, to register or to exhibit, contact Lou Brunelli at 914-739-2313 or www.guidance.expo@att.net.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Mandatory Internship Meeting reminder

For those CSL & CSSA students wishing to intern Spring 2011, you must attend this meeting:

Thursday, September 23, 2010, from 3-4:30 in the Lally symposium, 3rd Floor

Friday, September 17, 2010

RAINN Movie Night

"The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" Movie Night
Thursday September 23rd, 6-9pm
The Saint Rose Room, Brubacher Hall
(note: visitors must sign in at the security desk, indicating that they are there for the movie)

The Counseling Center, in conjunction with RAINN and Music Box Films, is proud to host a viewing and discussion of the award-winning film "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo," based on the best-selling novel. The film has strong themes and depictions of sexual assault (a counseling center staff will be present to speak with anyone for whom the film stirs up any painful or difficult emotions).

The purpose of this viewing and subsequent discussion will be to raise awareness of issues of sexual assault on both local and global levels, and to bring people together to discuss ways that we, as students and future professionals, can work to educate others and strive for solutions to prevent these problems.

Light snacks and refreshments will be served.
Please contact GoldbergL120@strose.edu with any questions.

RAINN Day 2010

The Counseling Center is proud to host

RAINN Day 2010

Wednesday September 22nd from 10am - 2pm
Campus Green Sidewalk outside of the EAC.
Rain location: EAC Atrium (The space inside the Western ave. entrance to the EAC by athletics).

RAINN is the Rape Abuse and Incest National Network, and is one of the nation's largest anti-sexual assault organizations. RAINN Day is their annual campus outreach and activism day.

A large variety of information and handouts on topics pertaining to sexual assault will be available. Additionally, there will be a bake sale with 100% of the proceeds to be donated to the Albany County Crime Victim & Sexual Assault Center to be given to victims of sexual assault in the community who are in need of basic provisions.

We encourage all students to attend the event, and are also looking for volunteers to either help table at the event or to contribute to the bake sale. If interested in volunteering, please contact GoldbergL120@strose.edu

"Every Sole Has a Story" for Domestic Violence Awareness Week

The Stop Abuse Action Committee is holding a shoe drive to collect shoes (new and unwanted or gently used) from both males and females of any style to be used for a creative/educational display called "Every Sole Has a Story" around campus during Domestic Violence Awareness Week (October 18-22). This display will help to educate students on campus about domestic violence, while also giving voice to survivors' stories. Shoes are being collected September 20th through October 1st in a drop box in the Student Affairs office. Once the display is over, all shoes will be donated to a local domestic violence shelter.

*Click on Image to view flyer*

Thursday, September 9, 2010

NEW! Experiential Advanced 3-Day Workshop

NEW! Experiential Advanced 3-Day Workshop
For: Mental Health Professionals
When: November 8-10, 2010
Where: Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research, Bala Cynwyd, PA

This workshop is aimed toward people with at least a basic understanding of Cognitive Therapy and any mental health professional or doctoral level student is invited to attend.

The workshop will focus on discussing participants' cases. We will encourage you to bring DVDs of your challenging or complex patients. We will use these cases to develop, as a group, cognitive conceptualizations and treatment plans. We will do demonstration roleplays and divide into small groups to practice skills through roleplaying. You will have the chance to interact with and learn from workshop presenters Dr. Aaron Beck and Dr. Judith Beck and senior faculty of the Beck Institute. You will watch DVDs in which Dr. Aaron Beck and I are the therapists and you will attend a case conference in which Dr. Aaron Beck conducts a live therapy session with a patient.

Don't forget that through our CBT for Soldiers Initiative, if you work with soldiers, veterans, or their families, you may be able to attend the November workshop under partial scholarship, for a cost of $800 (instead of $1200).

Experiential Workshop is nearing capacity, but you still have time to apply,We routinely run wait-lists for our workshops, and applications are reviewed in the order they are received -- so, if you have not yet applied, we encourage you to do so right away.

For more information and the online application, please visit http://www.beckinstitute.org/FolderID/246/PageVars/Library/TrainingProgram/TPA_Form.htm

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Graduate Assistantship Opportunity

Graduate Assistant for the Damietta Cross-Cultural Center

The Damietta Cross-Cultural Center at Siena College is seeking an energetic, resourceful individual for their Graduate Assistantship position. The successful candidate for this 9-month position must be a matriculated graduate student in Higher Education Administration/College Student Personnel Administration, Counseling, Ethnic/Multicultural Studies or related field. This position requires approximately 15 hours of work per week, including evening and some weekend, program implementation and supervision. This position provides an opportunity for a graduate student to work in a variety of areas within Student Affairs at an independent, Catholic, private institution in the Franciscan Tradition.

Position Responsibilities:

• Plan and implement Cultural Heritage Month (i.e. Latina/o/Hispanic, Native American, LGBTQ, African American, and Asian Pacific American) programming
• Assist with the supervision of student staff members
• Mentor and advise affiliated student groups of the Damietta Center
• Supervise the Multicultural Film Series
• Assist with the development and facilitation of Cross-Cultural workshops, lectures, programming
• Assist with planning and execution of the large scale programs of the Center such as: Multicultural Block Party, Annual Family Weekend Multicultural Dinner, Fall Fusion, Expose, and Social Justice Retreats
• Assist when necessary with Opening DOoRS Speaker Series
• Maintain weekly office hours
• Other duties as assigned

Qualifications desired for this position include:

• Must be a matriculated graduate student in Higher Education Administration/College Student Personnel Administration, Counseling, Ethnic/Multicultural Studies, or related field.
• A strong passion for social justice related work in the Catholic tradition
• Administrative, advising, and programming background
• Communicating effectively with people from a variety of cultural backgrounds
• Interest in and awareness of college age developmental issues
• Cross cultural empathy and anti-oppression skill building
• Counseling background or related experience
• Work well in large and small group setting
• Work well in autonomous and independent setting
• Must be willing to share her/his knowledge in both formal and informal ways

Please send resume and cover letter to Siena College, Office of Human Resources, 515 Loudon Road, Loudonville, NY 12211, or email: humanresources@siena.edu
Siena College is a Franciscan and Catholic institution and expects members of its community to be knowledgeable about its mission and to make a positive contribution to that mission.
Siena College is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages applications from all qualified candidates